Send whatever you want. If accepted, your stuff will appear on the Keyhole website.

Fiction, Poetry, Misc / Other, Anything (Long or Short -- no word count restrictions): 

-Multiple submissions: allowed. 

-Simultaneous submissions: allowed. 

-Please do not use "Keyhole Submission" or any variation of that for the title. Put the title(s) as the subject/title in the submission form.

-We do not accept previously published works, because that's boring. 

-We currently don't make money so we can't pay you.

-Authors retain rights. Do whatever you want with your work afterward. No need to contact for permission.

-This is an expensive, time-consuming, unprofitable, one-man operation, so keep that in mind. Please do not send any email regarding your submission. If you are wondering what's taking so long, the answer is 100% of the time that it has not yet been read.

-Submissions are not guaranteed a response. If you have not received a submission, it hasn't been read. If several years go by, someone has either taken a break or died. No hard feelings.

-There are no scheduled publication dates and no deadlines.
We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.